YouCat: The Sacraments of Communion and Mission
Mission: Impossible premiered in September 1966 on CBS. The show centered on a handpicked team of spies who would take on a dangerous mission in every episode. The show would…
Mission: Impossible premiered in September 1966 on CBS. The show centered on a handpicked team of spies who would take on a dangerous mission in every episode. The show would…
For many years, Archbishop Richard Smith posted weekly reflections at a blog titled The Reason for Our Hope (these reflections can now be found on our Archdiocesan website.) The title…
When will Jesus come again? This is a question I often get when travelling through the schools (it was particularly popular in 2012 for some reason). Wondering about the end…
When people think of me, the last thing they think of is someone who is “smooth.” Consider me the anti-James Bond. When I first asked my now-wife out on a…
…the problem of pornography isn’t what you’d think. It isn’t about the fact that someone has ‘bared all’ for the world to see, or that a couple has somehow shared with everyone their most intimate gift of self… the problem is that images and recordings can never transmit the whole person or a whole relationship.