Welcome to the first week of our Bible Study together! Thank you for being part of a journey that will take us through fourteen of the seventy-three books in the Bible (and the entire story of Salvation History) over the next six months. If you haven’t had a chance to do so already, I’d invite you to check out my page outlining our study, where you can read the plan of what we’re doing as well as print off a checklist for the daily readings.

We’re going to start at the beginning – in the book of Genesis, the book of origins. Our readings this week will take us through Genesis 1-11, which also represents the first time period in our study, “The Early World.” While this is one of the shortest periods of our study, it is nonetheless a very important book to read:

…the importance of the book of Genesis is remarkably out of proportion to the length of the book, because it presents in a unique way the fundamental account of the origin of creation, mankind, and the people of God. It also gives the account of more covenants between God and mankind than any other biblical book.

John Bergsma & Brant Pitre, A Catholic Introduction to the Bible

This week, you’ll read:

Over the course of the week, you’ll read the creation stories, hear about Adam & Eve’s sons, Noah’s story and the stories of his sons, and finally the story of the tower of Babel. I hope my video below can help you better understand what you’re reading.

Please feel free to subscribe below for these updates delivered via email to your inbox each week; and drop me a line if you have any questions as you read. God bless you!