How do I Pray when the Words Run Out?
(A reflection by Deacon Pat Hessel)
We are told that it is good to pray each day for at least five minutes in the morning and at least five minutes at night. We need to pray every day because our relationship with God is a “work in progress” that can always get better. Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out what to say to God when we pray. We can say prayers like the Hail Mary and the Our Father. There are prayer books that give us different prayers for each day. We can read the Bible. There are really lots of possibilities.
Prayer should bring us closer to God. Prayer should help us to be better people. Sometimes reading or reciting prayers brings us closer to God and helps us to be better people, but sometimes we need something less structured – more free-flowing – to connect our lives with God.
When the words run out, you may want to think about (pray about, meditate on) some of the questions listed below. The questions are not meant to make you feel good or bad, proud or inadequate – they are meant to help you become a better person and connect you more strongly with God (remember, it’s a work in progress).
It will be helpful to think about each of these things once a week. As humans, we need constant reminders – we never seem to get it right “once and for all.” And thinking about these things once a week will give you an idea of whether you’re making progress.
This is not a magical list. You may want to add some things that are more important to you and your life. Some of these things may change over time. It’s important that you spend some time in prayer each day (even just five minutes). When the words run out, look within yourself and look to God.
Sunday – Love
God loves me. What does that mean?
Have I act differently this week because I know God loves me?
Do I love myself? Why? Why not?
Do I love God? How did I show it this week?
Have I loved others this week?
Think about the times I succeeded… and think about the times I came up short
Can I do a better job of loving God, others, and myself next week?
Monday – Honesty
Have I told the truth when it was difficult?
How did it feel? (Good and bad)
What happened as a result?
Have I been dishonest (even “little white lies”)?
Have I been honest with myself?
Is there something I’m refusing to admit to myself?
How can I do better?
Tuesday – Respect
God made me – “…and it was good.”
Have I shown respect for my body?
Adequate sleep
Alcohol, drugs
Appropriate amounts of good food
Respect for my sexual self
Have I shown respect for my family?
Do I disagree for the sake of disagreeing?
Do I respect their knowledge/experience, or do I know more than they do?
Are my wishes/desires more important than what they want me to do?
Have I done my share of the work around the house?
Brothers and sisters (teasing, put-downs, competition…)
Grandparents (visits, phone calls…)
Have I shown respect for others?
Do I realize that they are there for me?
Have I tried to give them a “hard time?”
Have I thought about how it affects them?
Do I “allow” friends to have views/opinions different from mine?
Have I gossiped?
Have I criticized people who:
Don’t dress like me or look like me?
Hang out with a different crowd?
Are poor?
How can I do better?
Wednesday – Kindness
Have I thought this week about how kind God has been to me?
Created me from nothing… provided food, shelter, clothing… died for my sins
How often this week have I shown kindness for someone? Did it involve a sacrifice on my part? How did it make me feel?
Were there opportunities to show kindness that I missed/ignored? What stopped me from showing kindness? Did someone show me kindness this week? How can I do better?
Thursday – Satisfaction and gratitude
Am I thankful to God for the blessings I received this week?
Have I told God that I am thankful?
Is my glass half full (I realize that I have much),
or is it half empty (I never think I have enough)?
This week, did I find that I was constantly wanting what other people had?
What things do I think I’m missing?
Did I resent other people who have more than I do?
How can I do better?
Friday – Happiness
Do I believe that God wants me to be happy?
Have I been happy this week?
What things have made me happy?
What things have made me unhappy?
Have I made other people happy this week?
Have I made other people unhappy this week?
How can I do better?
Saturday – Goals
God made me unique – what are my unique qualities/abilities?
Am I trying to develop the qualities and abilities that God gave me?
Is it more important for me to be:
A good person? A wealthy person? A popular person? A holy person? A peaceful person?
Is it my goal to become closer to God?
What have I done this week to move myself toward my goals?